
Turning Burdens into Treasures: Embracing Our Role as Influencers

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Primary Blog/Nurturing Wisdom/Turning Burdens into Treasures: Embracing Our Role as Influencers

Turning Burdens into Treasures​

Embracing Our Role as Influencers

Investing in God: Turning Burdens into Treasures

When we invest in God, something miraculous happens—our burdens transform into treasures. These treasures bring pleasure, honor, and respect. By casting our burdens on Him, we create space for His glory to shine through in our lives. As it is written, "Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you" (Psalm 55:22). This divine exchange allows us to live lives that inspire and influence others.

Called to Influence: Embracing Our Divine Role

Whether we like it or not, we are all influencers. People around us trust and look up to us for inspiration. This isn't just a responsibility; it's a divine calling. Our role is to boost their faith and positively impact their lives. When we live in alignment with God's purpose, we naturally inspire others to do the same.

Inspiring and Healing Others

Inspiration Leads to Healing
When we inspire others, we become a source of healing for them. Our very presence can bring the transformative power of God, creating impactful results. Just as Jesus' garments healed those who touched them (Mark 5:28-29), our influence can bring spiritual and emotional healing to those around us.

Double Blessings
Jesus never gives us just enough strength; He provides double. This divine empowerment enables us to walk the extra mile with others, offering them double blessings and support. As Jesus said, "If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles" (Matthew 5:41). This principle of doubling our efforts reflects God's abundant strength within us.

Overcoming Demons and Distractions

Stages of Growth
We must see and experience God in every stage of our lives. By beating our demons here and now, we prepare for greater victories in the next stages. David defeated all his demons so that Solomon wouldn't have to fight the same battles. By spending time with God and seeking His guidance, we ensure that our struggles don't transfer to our children.

Learning from David
David defeated all his demons so Solomon wouldn't have to fight the same battles. By spending time with God, we ensure that our struggles don’t transfer to our children. Instead, we pass on blessings and strength to the next generation.

Identifying and Overcoming Distractions

Recognize Distractions
Jesus understood the importance of eliminating distractions to achieve His goals. In Matthew 14:22-36, after feeding the 5,000, Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side, while He dismissed the crowd. This act of sending away both His disciples and the multitude was crucial. It allowed Him to spend uninterrupted time in prayer, receiving instructions for the next season.

Transforming Discomfort
Discomfort can trigger dissatisfaction, but if we convert it into curiosity and learning, we gain authority and strength. Jesus transformed His discomfort by seeking solitude and prayer, which empowered Him to walk on water and calm the storm.

Practical Steps to Boost Faith and Productivity

Recognize and Write Down Attachments
Identify the familiar attachments that serve as escape mechanisms during times of discomfort. Write them down and share them within our community. This act of recognition helps us become aware of what holds us back.

Replace Patterns
Actively replace these attachments with practices that draw us closer to God and our goals. Engage in spiritual disciplines and seek continuous growth.

Confess and Seek Support
Confession is a powerful tool for accountability and transformation. Share your identified attachments and distractions on Slack, and seek support from our community to overcome them. Confession isn't about shame; it's about recognizing our goals and staying committed to them.

Immediate Action
Take immediate steps to address these distractions. The power of 9 seconds can help us say no to unhealthy patterns and yes to our goals. Jesus' immediate action of sending away the crowd and disciples demonstrates the importance of dealing with distractions promptly.

Embracing the Journey

Stay Focused
By achieving our goals and spending time with God, we gain authority and supernatural favor. Distractions will lose their power over us, and we will walk confidently in our divine purpose.

Walk in Peace
As we walk into storms with peace, we transform situations and bring Jesus' presence into every circumstance. When Jesus walked on water, He showed us that by staying focused on our divine goals, we can rise above our challenges and inspire others to do the same.

Let’s embrace our role as influencers, inspire others, and overcome our distractions to achieve the supernatural lifestyle God has planned for us.

Nurturing Wisdom

A Community Living Freedom

A life lived in true freedom is characterized by progress and growth. This community embodies immense power, evident through weekly testimonies of triumph, celebrations of victory, and new revelations. This power is what propels us to live victoriously!

​Do you love exploring the depths of spiritual understanding? Then this group is perfect for you!

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Healing the Lost

Strategy for 1 Million Souls

If you have a loved one that is in need of divine intervention, then this is for you. Learn more about God's design and redemption in their life. In this process expect to gain your own growth, healing and spiritual awakening.