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FOUR PERSONALITIES reveal God-given identity: download PDF for find out more!
God created people with four different personas (or personality types, or thinking styles) in mind. These personas are based on the first four books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers.
Typically, each person is assigned one persona which informs their mindset, beliefs, thoughts, actions, and lifestyle.
However, an interesting thing may happen to a person during childhood. That child's parent/guardian (typically it's only one), if unaware of that child's persona, may unknowingly neglect that child's needs. That parent/guardian pushes their own expectations on the child, causing him/her to feel insecure about themselves and push down their own needs. What is really happening is that the parent wants the child to conform to their persona instead of having a persona of their own. Over time, the child adopts characteristics of their parent/guardian's persona instead of walking in own personality. This causes that child to come out of alignment with how God made them, and has a variety of consequences.
Hurt forces you to take on a personality that you're not created for and adopt a personality that isn't yours.
To step into your God-given design, there are prayers you can pray that are tailored to your specific persona. These prayers will shed off your old and unwanted personality traits and create a space for you to come in alignment with who you are meant to be. Through this process, you'll be able to unlock your full potential instead of meeting with road blocks. Are you ready to become a new person?
Once you understand your true identity, you will understand how you fit within the kingdom of God and walk in your destiny.
Think of a false identity as a block from living in your purpose.
Once you get rid of the block, you are able to move past hurt. You will no longer live from a false identity, but from the true identity that God gave you.
You will find freedom from being understood and acknowledged instead of being misunderstood and overlooked.
From that place, you can lead a healthy life instead of a life you want out of.
“The descriptions in the book on how to do each exercise are excellent. There are three parts to the book. The first section has information on developing your lorem ipsum dolor.
“The descriptions in the book on how to do each exercise are excellent. There are three parts to the book. The first section has information on developing your lorem ipsum dolor.
“The descriptions in the book on how to do each exercise are excellent. There are three parts to the book. The first section has information on developing your lorem ipsum dolor.
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